Grupa około 30 dzieci bawiących się w szkolnej auli; roześmiane twarze, ręce uniesione w górę w radosnych gestach zabawy i tańca. Dzieci są pełne energii i entuzjazmu, co tworzy dynamiczną, beztroską atmosferę.

Concert of Monika Wiśniowska Basel & Jazz Family Band at SOSW nr 10 in Wrocław

Behind us is a wonderful concert by the Monika Wiśniowska-Basel & Jazz Family Band, organised for children from the Special School and Educational Centre No. 10 in Wrocław and their carers, as well as special guests - children from the John Paul II Special School and Educational Centre in Jaszkotl.

This concert was held as part of the Colours of Harmony project.

What a thrill that was!

We would like to thank all the participants, individuals and institutions that made this concert possible.

The team composed of:

  • Monika Wiśniowska-Basel - voice
  • Karolina Pernal - tenor saxophone
  • Marzena Cybulka - bass guitar
  • Tomasz Basel - piano
  • Mateusz Maniak - drums


  • Jeremi Balcar - sound design
  • Adam Kaminski, Adela Jakielaszek - coordination
  • Elżbieta Radziemska - co-organisation of the event
  • Magdalena Janas - coordination, care for children from Jaszkotl
  • Janusz Sikora - care of children from Jaszkotl
  • Marzena Cybulka - project initiator, coordination
  • Lech "jazzographer" Basel - photo report of the event

Full photo report:


  • SOSW No. 10 at Parkowa Street, Wrocław
  • The John Paul II Centre for Social Work at the ZOL in Jaszkotl

Subsidised by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Cultural Promotion Fund.

Co-financed by ZAW Stoart

Organised by: Polish Jazz Association Wrocław