Declaration of availability

The Polish Jazz Association Wroclaw undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The accessibility statement applies to the website.

Date of publication and update: 25.10.2022

Website publication date: 20.09.2021

Date of last significant update: 25.10.2022

Status in terms of compliance with the Act

The website complies with the law of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

Date of the Declaration and method of assessing digital accessibility

The declaration was made on: 1.09.2022 The declaration was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by the subject.

Keyboard shortcuts

The service is not equipped with keyboard shortcuts that could conflict with assistive technologies (e.g. reading programmes), the system or users' applications.

Feedback and contact details

If you have problems with the accessibility of the website, please contact us. The contact person is Jakub Olejnik, e-mail: You can also get in touch by calling 691 510 663. The same route can be used to submit requests for inaccessible information and to request accessibility.

Information on the procedure

Everyone has the right to request that a digital website, or some element thereof, be made accessible. It is also possible to request that the information be made accessible by an alternative means of accessibility, for example by reading out a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a film without an audio description, etc. The request should include the details of the person making the request, an indication of which website or how to contact them. If the person making the request wishes to receive the information by means of an alternative means of access, he/she should also specify how the information is convenient for him/her. The organisation should comply with the request without delay, but no later than 7 days from the date of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, the public body shall inform the requester without delay when it will be possible to comply with the request, but the deadline shall not be more than 2 months from the date of the request. If digital accessibility is not possible, the organisation may propose an alternative means of accessing the information. Where an organisation refuses to comply with a request for accessibility or an alternative means of accessing the information, the requester may lodge a complaint about the digital accessibility of the website or web feature. After exhausting the procedure indicated above, an application may also be made to the Ombudsman.

Architectural accessibility

The Polish Jazz Association Wrocław currently has no permanent premises. We carry out our activities in various places and premises, trying to choose those that are accessible to people with special needs. Those experiencing permanent or periodic communication difficulties have the option of sending written correspondence addressed to:

Polish Jazz Association Wrocław

37 Świdnicka Street, 50-029 Wrocław

Telephone number: +48 691 510 663

Email address:

Information on availability

The website of the Polish Jazz Association Wrocław has been created in accordance with W3C and WCAG2.0 standards, based on mechanisms facilitating access to published content for people with disabilities.

Compliance with standards

The service is compliant with W3C standards:

WCAG 2.1 (Double A)


The service is fully recognisable by Window-Eyes, JAWS or NVDA reading programmes for the blind.

Operation of the service is possible using both keyboard and mouse.


The website is equipped with mechanisms to make it easier for visually impaired people to view content. Changing font size, changing contrast, greyscale

The entire website is based on CSS styles.

Keyboard shortcuts

The service is not equipped with keyboard shortcuts that could conflict with assistive technologies (e.g. reading programmes), the system or users' applications.

Contrast information

The website was designed in accordance with the contrast requirements described in the Council of Ministers' Regulation National Interoperability Framework of 12 April 2012. All elements on the website meet the minimum requirements for contrast of colour of the content to the background. The aforementioned Regulation set the minimum contrast at 4.5:1.